The agreement between Corbara and Besteam is going on. According to it, the hotels associated to the purchase central department – more than 600 structures, 180 of which belong to the Best Western chain – can have a discount.

Actually, the news is not so recent: the agreement was signed in 2005 and, thanks to it, in these years several associated structures already used the agreement to purchase Hotel garments. We’ll hint at this news again on our website, to remind the associates to send us their Besteam’s association code at the moment of the purchase, not to lose their discount.

Who’s Besteam?

Besteam, controlled by Best Western Italy but operatively autonomous, is the purchase central department dedicated to the Ho.Re.Ca. world. It was born in 2003 from the experience of Best Western Italy’s purchase office and now it has a portfolio of more than 70 suppliers specialized in materials for hotels. All of them are carefully selected. As Mrs. Elena Pinzi, Besteam’s director, explains: “A lot of companies ask to be introduced in our suppliers database. The selection process is complex and articulated and ensures the best conditions in terms of discount dedicated to our associates; among the choice criteria there’s also the guarantee that services will be carried out and quality products supplied. The service – both before and after the delivery - must be very quick, and the existence of widespread sale network is essential, as well as references by previous customers.”

Corbara, always oriented to produce high quality hotel uniforms and to carry out an incomparable service - with quick delivery terms and the guarantee “free replacement” and “money-back guarantee” - couldn’t but be present in the selection of Besteam’s suppliers.

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